
Infrachain Becomes a Corporate Baker on the Tezos Blockchain with Nomadic Labs

Infrachain, the Luxembourg based non-profit organization for operational blockchain projects is delighted to announce its contribution to the Tezos Blockchain ecosystem by becoming a baker.

‘Baking’ is the term the Tezos blockchain network uses for signing and publishing blocks on the blockchain. Bakers are a crucial component of the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, as they ensure that all transactions in a block are correct, the order of transactions is agreed upon, and no double-spending has occurred.

Infrachain is currently running a node on the Tezos blockchain network, which is a decentralized, public blockchain that evolves by upgrading itself through on-chain governance. This blockchain network is supported by Nomadic Labs, a research and development company that contributes to the development, adoption and evolution of Tezos.

For Infrachain members that operate in the Tezos network, this is a step forward in ensuring that their transactions are baked in a selected node, i.e., Infrachain Tezos Baker, and hence avoiding contribution to unauthorized bakers.

According to Hadrien Zerah, Managing Director at Nomadic Labs, “Organizations and companies in all sectors now see the potential of blockchain. We are happy to welcome them and to see this community grow”.

“Hosting a Corporate Baker enables us to contribute to Tezos Network by supporting network sustainability, and further, we open possibilities for Infrachain members to know more about Tezos Blockchain capabilities,” explained Dr. Adnan Imeri, Technical Lead of Infrachain.

About Nomadic Labs

Nomadic Labs is one of the largest research and development centers within the Tezos ecosystem. Based in Paris, it brings together more than 50 engineering researchers working on the development and evolution of the Tezos protocol. Nomadic Labs helps companies to use the Tezos Blockchain for their business needs, providing technical support in France, Luxembourg and Belgium. Learn more about Nomadic Labs at and follow us on Twitter @LabosNomades.

About Tezos

Tezos is smart money, redefining what it means to hold and exchange value in a digitally connected world. A self-upgradable and energy-efficient Proof of Stake blockchain with a proven track record, Tezos seamlessly adopts tomorrow’s innovations without network disruptions today. For more information, please visit

Comments (2)

  1. Tezos Commons :: Month at a Glance — September - TezosDefi.Club

    […] PR: “Hosting a Corporate Baker enables us to contribute to Tezos Network by supporting network sustainability, and further, we open possibilities for Infrachain members to know more about Tezos Blockchain capabilities,” explained Dr. Adnan Imeri, Technical Lead of Infrachain. […]

  2. Atualização Semanal Tezos – Tezos

    […] Infrachain, a organização sem fins lucrativos com sede em Luxemburgo para projetos operacionais de blockchain, anuncia sua contribuição para o ecossistema Tezos Blockchain ao se tornar um padeiro.Atualmente, a Infrachain está executando um nó na rede blockchain Tezos, que é uma blockchain pública descentralizada que evolui atualizando-se por meio da governança on-chain. Esta rede blockchain é suportada pela Nomadic Labs, uma empresa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento que contribui para o desenvolvimento, adoção e evolução do Tezos. Para os membros da Infrachain que operam na rede Tezos, este é um passo à frente para garantir que suas transações sejam executadas em um nó selecionado, ou seja, Infrachain Tezos Baker, evitando assim a contribuição para padeiros não autorizados. […]

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